WELL KEPT | Sustainable Shave, Cleaner Beaches
A vision of a man in a black and white movie standing over a wash basin with white foam on his face, and a white towel draped over his shoulder. Carefully, he slides an open blade down his cheek to glide away the stubble + the cream.
That's a romantic, even sexy image that we've seen again and again in the media over the years. How many sexy shave scenes of women can you think of? Probably not many, or none. The narrative around women's shaving up until the last few years has been one we were meant to keep hidden behind the shower curtain. We were meant to show up smooth and well groomed without razor burn or complaining about ingrowns. And us considering the idea that we could show up unshaved at all? Shocking! Shaving trends have come + gone since the dawn of civilization, and thankfully, we're back to a time when women finally have a choice to shave or not, although it is still arguably steeped in controversy.
If you are in the shave club, you need the proper tools to make it happen. We don't want to be rubbing hair off our skin with pumice stones like they did in ancient times (ouch!). The unfortunate thing is that since it became the norm for ladies to shave, it also became the norm to use multi-blade disposable razors and heads. These plastic atrocities are now clogging our landfills + Oceans, and they sure aren't going anywhere safe any time soon (Will we never get it right the first time?). What's the best way forward?
Photo Credit: Christie Graham
The ladies of well kept found themselves asking this question too. Having shifted their lifestyles to include more sustainable options, Emilie Johnson + Natalie Farrell discovered a void for quality, sustainable products for women's shaving needs, and decided to fill it themselves. They have created a line of lovely, sustainable self-care products that will take the chore out of shaving and make it an enjoyable ritual.
The company was born out of a genuine need to create beautiful things that help rather than harm the planet, and has grown from there. They started with a wooden handled razor, which has now been replaced with a sturdy brass safety razor that has gained an enthusiastic following. For those new to the safety razor world, the most important thing to know is that it is the last razor you should ever have to buy. The well kept team has provided us with a simple 3-piece safety razor that takes a standard recyclable razor blade. In the long run, it is more cost effective, offers a more precise and closer shave, and is less likely to irritate your skin. And best of all - you're not tossing plastic handles and blades into landfills, ever!
There seems to be a little fear out there about switching to a safety razor - we get that. Most of us have been trained our whole lives to depend on a chunky, plastic guard to cover the multiple blades we've been told we need. A safety razor is called that for a reason - it is still designed with a guard, it just looks different. well kept (and our team here who is loving them!) promises that with a little practice, there is no need to be afraid. Go slow the first few times you use one to get used to it, as it is heavier than a plastic option, and you will be just fine. The well kept ladies have written an excellent "how to" guide to go along with them, which you can find here.
Photo Credit: Well Kept
To enhance the experience of shaving with a quality razor, Emilie + Natalie have brought luxurious shave oils, soaking salts + milks, + other beautiful items into their line to accompany their razors, all sourced + produced with the well being of the planet in mind. It helps that everything they make not only makes you feel great, but looks great in your bathroom, right down to the packaging. Surrounding yourself with things that you find aesthetically appealing keeps the mind calm + happy.
As Vancouver based gals, these co-founders spend a lot of time around the Ocean, so naturally their desire to keep the world clean intersects with a passion for the sea. Their hearts break knowing our trash is ending up clogging the homes + bodies of marine life, and showing up on our shores. They committed to their own beach cleaning initiative - #KeepTheBeachWellKept - which for them "...means picking up 5-10 pieces, or more, of garbage that is washing up on our shores every time [they] are at the beach." We love that! The Ocean to them is a way to reset yourself, which anyone who runs a small business knows is a necessity, as often as you can find a moment away from your never ending To Do list.
We love supporting women-led companies, especially those so aligned with our values. We invite you to do your part to #KeepTheBeachWellKept by cleaning up our beaches, and by making the switch from disposable + convenient, to long-lasting + beautiful tools + products for your shaving.
Their razors have done so well in stores we are having trouble keeping them on the shelves! Visit us today to talk to our staff about making the switch to a more sustainable shave life.